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Now you can create your own personal icons by using the programs that are already available on you computer. Opening an image editor almost instantly creates an icon that you can use.


  1. Open an image editor (in general Paint for Windows & Photoshop for Mac).

  2. Find the "Attributes" command in your image editor. This is under the "Image" tab in Paint (shortcut: "CTRL" + "E"), or the opening dialog using the "New" command (shortcut: "CTRL" + "N").

  3. Set the image size to a width of 32 pixels by a height of 32 pixels

  4. Draw your picture. (Keep in mind when using Paint that the top left pixel will set the transparent color for the Icon. Shown as a red pixel in the example below)

  5. Finally save your picture under the extension of ".ico". This can be done by saving the file under the ".bmp" or ".psd" extension and renaming the file with the ".ico" extension.

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